Introduced in Bali by Madurese migrants to celebrate the end of the rice harvest, Makepung is the name of a major grand prix in West Bali, which features racing buffalo races. The competitive races take place on erratic tracks a few kilometers from Dajuma, beginning early in the morning, before the heat makes the big bulls sluggish. Hundreds of pairs of buffaloes are teamed up together with their jockeys riding the traditional wooden ploughs that are slightly modified for the competition.
The racer buffaloes, called kerbau pepadu, compete in various open race circuits around the district of Melaya, leading up to the finals, or what has come to be known as the Jembrana Regent’s Cup, and the Governor’s Cup, held annually.
Here is the program for the next weeks until the finals. A fascinating show not to missed!
Buffalo Races Schedule 2015
- July 12th 2015 at Dlodberawah
- July 26th 2015 at Tuwed
- August 9th 2015 at Merta Sari (Regent Cup)
- August 23rd 2015 at Pangkung Dalem
- September 6th 2015 at Dlodbrawah
- September 20th 2015 at Awen
- October 4th 2015 at Mertasari
- October 18th 2015 at Kaliakah
- November 1st 2015 at Dlodbrawah
- November 15th 2015 at Tuwed (Jembrana Cup)