Dajuma Staff Outing at JogJakarta
To close the celebration of Puri Dajuma 10th anniversary and reward the staff for its dedication and attention to the guests, a special outing took place in two groups of 22 people, during 3 days with the discovery of Jogjakarta and its surroundings. A memorable trip during which the staff was invited to visit the Keraton (the palace of the Sultan of Jogjakarta which was during the guests « Revolusi », from 1946 to 1949, the capital city of Indonesia), the beautiful Candi Burubudur, the most important Buddhist temple in the world re-discovered in 1814 by Sir Raffles and finally the Prambanan complex of Hindu temples. This trip was for Dajuma staff an opportunity to remember that both religions Buddhism and Hinduism were living harmoniously across Java during several centuries a long time ago.